I am sooo happy to start removing the huge pile of wood that has been serving as a non-functional kitchen island for several weeks (which has got the wood nice and acclimatized to it's environment - inconvenient but necessary).
We finally settled on wax paper to go underneath the flooring. And found that we could rent a bamboo floor nailer from Home Depot. Interestingly, I've found they're darn near impossible to purchase (at least, not in the same somewhat affordable price range as all other floor nailers). And they're very particular, you need to get exactly the right size and gauge or you'll get horrible results. The one we've rented (Paslode) works really well.
Another major milestone today, towards completing our nicely insulated house envelope. New windows for all 3 floors in front! But it almost didn't happen...
I had to stand my ground at the city of Montreal's Plateau permit office. Marc had sent in very detailed plans for our new windows to get them approved ahead of time. Our quartier office responded in the affirmative to the design, so we placed the order and were in waiting mode for them to built. In the meantime, I went to the office to pay for (yet another) permit per the plans. It was supposed to be a no brainer, only it turns out that I spoke to someone different (and more knowledgable apparently) about the city bylaws for windows. We're gone for a design that has a 1:4 proportion ratio, but this is not allowed. Maximum is 1:3 ratio. Thank **** for my iPhone, as I was able to call Marc and show the approval email that the city had sent him with our precise plans. Technology is fabulous. Otherwise, this would have been a wasted morning off work.
Out with the old...
In with the sparkly new windows!
And in case you don't understand the George Formby title of this blog post... Enjoy!