I'm not disciplined enough to keep a blog up to date! 2011 was a big year for work work, plus we also took on the demo and reno of Marc's parents apartment. Needless to say, we've not made the progress we'd have liked on our own home. But looking back, we still managed to keep things moving in the right direction. My in-law reno deserves a blog of it's own, as you can see that the extent of the work... Interestingly, in the before pictures, I don't think that the place looks that bad. You'll just have to trust us that the reno was absolutely necessary (and no - that's not parquet flooring that we are in process of replacing - that's plastic sticky faux tiles with parquet printed on them - mmmm, bet you're jealous).
The posts between May 2011 and January 2012 have been written in retrospect. It gives you an idea of what we've been up to with our free time in our little "just two weeks" project. Enjoy...