We really wanted to have a see-through gas fireplace that separates the living room from the dining room, also making a wall for the staircase on one side. It adds a heating source in the centre of the house, plus it will look AMAZING! But just because I'd like it there, I'm discovering the logistics are not quite as simple as that. The chimney is over 15 feet away, the first fireplace company I tried (and most well known in the area) doesn't have a model that can be exhausted to a chimney over 10 feet away, flueless fireplaces appear to be illegal in Quebec, but I couldn't find a flueless model that I liked so that was a non-starter.
We started looking at alternative locations for the fireplace, but searching the web came to the rescue! I had had 2 Napolean gas fireplaces installed at a previous home, and I found they had exactly what I was looking for. Plus the full instruction guide was online, which seemed to suggest it was a real possibility that it might work.
Foyer Lambert came to estimate the work and feasibility of the job, with positive results.
Marc and his dad got to work building the frame:
Do you feel the heat?
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